
From 2005 to 2009, I was the copywriter for the X-treme Geek retail catalog while it was owned by E-filliate, Inc. While a whole lot of my copy never saw print (editors: do we love 'em or what?), I managed to preserve some of my favorites, completely unadulterated, for display here. Most of these items are no longer for sale, so some of the pictuers will not be available. I apologize for any mysterious confusion.

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Image1 - Caption
We're pretty sure it isn't really acetylsalicylic acid... but it does have that irritating chalky feel

6 1/2"dia. x 1 1/4"H



Heading Copy:
Giant Aspirin Spells Relief for the Funny Bone

Alt Heading 1:
Celebrate Pharmacology with Gigantic Chalky Aspirin Tablet

Alt Heading 2:
Giant Aspirin Perfect for the Mother of all Headaches

There's no need to take TWO of these giant aspirin tablets; in fact, at 662,250 milligrams, even one might be too much. Felt-backed for paperweight use.



design © 2003-2024 Photo by Matt.